Satellite Altimetry: sailing closer to the coast

Vignudelli, S.; Cipollini, P.; Gommenginger, C.; Gleason, S.; Snaith, H.; Coelho, H.; Fernandes, J.; Lázaro, C.; Nunes, A.L.; Gómez-Enri, J.; Martin-Puig, C.; Woodworth, P.; Dinardo, S.; Benveniste, J..


Satellite Altimetry: sailing closer to the coast.

In: Tang, Danling; Gower, Jim; Levy, Gad; Katsaros, Kristina; Singh, Ramesh; Heron, Malcolm Lewis, (eds.)
Remote Sensing of the Changing Oceans.

Heidelberg, Springer, 217-238, 421pp.

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