Improving coastal altimeter products by a new retracking approach

Gómez-Enrí, J.; Cipollini, P.; Gommenginger, C.; Martin-Puig, C.; Vignudelli, S.; Woodworth, P.; Benveniste, J.; Villares, P..


Improving coastal altimeter products by a new retracking approach.

In: Bostater, C.R.; Mertikas, S.P.; Neyt, X.; Velez-Reyes, M., (eds.)
Remote Sensing of the Ocean, Sea Ice, and Large Water Regions 2009.

Bellingham, USA, International Society for Optical Engineering, 74730A.

(Proceedings of SPIE, 7473).

Publication year: 
NOC authors: 
Paolo Cipollini
Book section