Predicting the Impacts and socio-economic consequences of climate change on global marine ecosystems and fisheries: The QUEST_Fish Framework

Barange, M.; Allen, I.; Allison, E.; Badject, M-C.; Blanchard, J.; Drakeford, B.; Dulvy, N.K.; Harle, J.; Holmes, R.; Holt, J.; Jennings, S.; Lowe, J.; Merino, G.; Mullon, C.; Pilling, G.; Rodwell, L.; Tompkins, E.; Werner, F..


Predicting the Impacts and socio-economic consequences of climate change on global marine ecosystems and fisheries: The QUEST_Fish Framework.

In: Ommer, R.E.; Perry, I.; Cochrane, K.L.; Cury, P., (eds.)
World Fisheries: a social-ecological analysis.

Oxford, UK, Wiley-Blackwell, 29-59, 440pp.

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