carbon capture and storage (CCS)

New paper shows potential for safe storage of carbon dioxide offshore

Photograph of a vertical stream of gas bubbles emitted from seafloor.

A world-first study led by the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) following research off the coast of Scotland suggests that storing carbon dioxide (CO2) under the sea in a process known as carbon capture and storage (CCS) is both viable and safe.

Scientists to study marine carbon storage around the Isle of Man

A study is underway on the Isle of Man to investigate, for the first time, the Island’s marine and coastal role in storing carbon to help mitigate climate change.

World first experiment will provide confidence in sub-seabed carbon dioxide storage

This week the RRS James Cook set sail to embark on a world-first experiment to develop methods for detecting and monitoring leaks of carbon dioxide (CO2) from sub-seabed reservoirs, however unlikely they are to occur.

The risks of carbon dioxide leakage through submarine ‘chimneys’

An image of a submarine chimney structure from the University of Southampton

NOC scientists are playing a key role investigating the risks of leaks from carbon dioxide (CO2) storage reservoirs situated under the seabed.

Scientists solve the riddle of deep ocean carbon

Vent chimney at the Von Damm vent site

A crucial process has been identified to explain the reason why dissolved organic carbon (DOC) levels in the deep oceans are constant despite a continuous supply from the surface ocean. This research has been published today in the journal Nature Geoscience and was conducted by scientists from the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) and The University of Southampton.

Carbon Capture and Storage safety investigated

Monitoring by divers (credit: Henrik Stahl of SAMS)

A significant step has been made for potential Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) deployment, with the publication of the results from the world’s first experiment into the realistic simulation of the potential environmental impact of a submarine CO2 leakage.
